At the December 17th Village of Nissequogue Board of Trustee Meeting, NYCOM Certificates of Public Service were presented - click here for details
Recent Storm Updates
New York State has developed an online form allowing residents to self-report any damages to their homes due to the August 18- August 19 storm. The purpose of this form is to collect information that may help State and local officials identify supplemental damages to develop and augment potential requests for available federal assistance programs. Please click on the link below for the Damage Self- Reporting Tool.
Please refer to the Town of Smithtown Web Site under "News & Announcements" under FEMA Relief for updated information.
Click Here for the NY State - Damage Self-Reporting
Tool Homes & Businesses
Incorporated in 1926, the Village of Nissequogue is located in Suffolk County on the North Shore of Long Island about 50 miles east of New York City. The geographic area of the Village is 3.6 square miles. It is bounded on the west by the Nissequogue River, on the north by the Long Island Sound, on the east by Stony Brook Harbor and on the south by the Village of Head-of-the- Harbor and the Town of Smithtown. The Village of Nissequogue is the site of the original settlement of the Town of Smithtown.
Within the Village borders, there is Delafield Woods
and Butler Huntington Woods Conservancy which contain many nature trails where residents and visitors can view many different native trees as well as other indigenous flora. Along the Nissequogue River Basin, Short Beach and Stony Brook Harbor are found many unique marshlands that are home to a host of native marsh grasses as well as a number of large and small seabirds.
Many species of birds nest within the Village. These include herons, egrets, ducks, ospreys, Canada geese, owls and red-tail hawks. Woodland animals such as the red fox, raccoon, opossum, cottontail and deer are common sightings.
The Village is entirely residential. Within the Village, there are no industrial or commercial installations or uses permitted except agricultural and horticultural uses or special uses which may be permitted and regulated by the Village.
Most people's feelings that government is mired in out- of- control spending and inefficiency comes from what they see happening on the federal and state levels. But in a recent poll of Suffolk County villages, residents responded that they overwhelmingly believe that smaller governments- like villages-are more efficient than large governments. They were right! The main services that the Village provides: Police, Fire and Ambulance, Road Maintenance, and Code Enforcement are carefully overseen, administered and considered by your neighbors on the Nissequogue Village Board. Smaller governments like villages are more directly accountable to their residents. You probably can't get the president or the governor on the phone but you can always talk to the Mayor and the four Trustees of the Village Board. We have to make sure every dollar counts and is wisely spent, because if we don't, you can and will tell us about it! When you think about it, that's exactly how the country's founders thought it should work!